Indian Institute Of Computer Science (IICS), registered under the Public Trust act 1882 having Registration No.8781, society Registrarion act 21,1860 having Resistration No.1444 ,Govt.Of INDIA. respectively and working in the field computer education with the central as well as State Govt. to reach every class of the society. This is also on process for registration under C.R. Act of Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD). The activities of the IICS are also duly intimated to the Planning Commission, Govt. of India through NGO Partnership System.
IICS offers advanced Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Master Diploma courses in Software Development, Hardware & Networking, Multimedia & Animation, Website Designing & Development, E-Accounting, Digital Marketing, Cyber Security Analysis, Cloud Computing, etc. It also offers courses in Digital Literacy, Ethical Hacking and various short-term courses. It is even the best institute for Max and Maya training in Bihar.